Can someone check my work please? 1. In general, what happened to the price of sugar and rum between April and September 1777? The prices went up extremely high and that's what begin of the Boston tea party incident.
2.Why was this happening? Because they didn't have much of the product.
3.Were women allowed to vote in the new government that was to be created? Do outside research for this answer. No women was not allowed to vote at all.
4.What was Abigail Adams’ education like? She never attended school, she read books out her parents library.
5.Do you think her education influenced her thoughts and opinions in her letters and why? no because she sound real intelligent for ssomeone who did not go to school.
6.Does she understand what is going on politically and why? Yes, The letters are invaluable eyewitness accounts of the Revolutionary War home front as well as excellent sources of political commentary.
7.Does she understand what is going on domestically and why? yes
8.Why would Abigail sign her letters to John “Portia”? Do outside research for this answer. Its after the long-suffering, virtuous wife of the Roman statesman Brutus.
1 answer