From the web:
What's the difference between rocks and minerals?[edit] A mineral is a naturally not occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure formed by geological processes. A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals whereas a rock may also include organic remains and mineraloids.
can someone check my answers, please and thank you?:) I know they are pretty obvious but I just want to make sure!
How is a rock different from a mineral?
A. It is not different, they are the same things and the words "rock" and "mineral" can be used interchangeably
B. A rock is made up of minerals
C. Minerals are made up of rock pieces
D. Minerals are man-made and rocks occur naturally ****
What are the threemain types of rocks? Select ALL that apply
A. Metamorphic ****
B. Chemical
C. Sedimentary ****
D. Igneous ****
E. Magmatic
F. Biogenous
3 answers
So, I am going to change my answer for number 1 to B. I am keeping 2's answer however
You answered the second question correctly.