Can somebody show I how to use matrices to solve the following. I want to solve for Tab first. I wiill ask 9n other part later. It given Tad =1200.


2 answers

No need for matrices, since all these linear combinations just add to zero.
If AX = 0 (all matrices) then X=0
Or, using Cramer's rule, since all the numerators have a zero column, they are all zero.
I don't know what that is . I plug in Tad=1200 and I get
eq1) 285Tab-.428Tac=0
eq2) -.428Tab-.285Tac+460.8=0
eq3) -0.857Tab-.857Tac+1107.6=0
Now how do I use eq1 and eq2 to to solve for Tab and Tac?