Can some one please do the essay or give me a website that writes custom essays
Over the last thirty years, tuition at public 4-year colleges has increased by about 50%, and tuition at private 4-year colleges has increased by a whopping 110%! Where do you plan on going to college and how do you and your family intend to fund your college expenses?
The Task
Develop a presentation that analyzes three different colleges you might like to attend.
1. The presentation should include the following for each of your three colleges of choice:
Write a short description of each college which includes the name, location, current enrollment size, and field specialty (i.e. engineering, teaching, etc).
Create a line graph that compares the tuition rate of each of the three colleges.
Based on the fact that college costs are on the rise, speculate what the tuition rate might be at each of the colleges by the time you are eligible to enroll.
2. Devise one spreadsheet for the entire project that displays the following information about each of your three favorite colleges.
tuition (per year)
room & board (per year)
books (estimated cost per year - you might have to call or e-mail the college bookstore)
living expenses (estimated expenses)
scholarships you think you might qualify for (per year - find at least four)
grants you think you might qualify for (per year - find at least one)
total expected expense (tuition + room & board + books + living expenses - scholarships - grants)
3. Write a short description about each of the scholarships and grants that you plan on receiving. You should have at least four descriptions on this page.
4. Based on the information you have accumulated, decide on which of the three colleges you would like to attend. Write a short essay (1-2 paragraphs) on why you made this decision.
5. Finally, answer the following conclusion questions. Each answer must use complete sentences and be at least 3 sentences long.
What math skills did you use for this project?
How did math assist you in your decision making?
What other subjects did you use?
The Process
The following suggests steps to take to complete this project. These are merely suggestions to help you organize your thoughts. These items do not need to be turned in with your project. Only the items in the Task section must be turned in.
What do you think the ideal college would be like?
What would you like to study and where is that major offered?
Would the college be large or small?
Would it be located in a big city or a small town?
Would the weather be warm or cold?
What would the professors, classes, and sports teams be like?
Search the internet for description of colleges.
Make a list of schools that fit the description that you prefer.
Narrow your list down to your three favorite colleges.
Compare the tuition rates of in-state colleges versus out-of-state colleges.
Research the financial aid that is available to students attending three of your favorite colleges.
What scholarships do the colleges offer?
What additional scholarships can you find that you could qualify for?
Will the schools assist you in finding a part-time job?
How much money can you earn on such a job?
Can you get a loan from the colleges, the federal government, or some other agency?
Peterson - The College Channel
College Surfing
Scholarship/Grant Information
Peterson - The College Channel
Fast Web (Scholarship Search Site)
College Connection Scholarships
Grading Rubric
Your final project will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. (33 points) The presentation should include the following for each of your three colleges of choice:
12 points - write a short description of each college which includes the name (3 points - 1 point for each college), location (3 points - 1 point for each college), current enrollment size (3 points - 1 point for each college), and field specialty; for example: engineering, teaching, etc (3 points - 1 point for each college).
15 points - create a line graph that compares the tuition rate of each of the three colleges. (5 points for each college)
6 points - based on the fact that college costs are on the rise, speculate what the tuition rate might be at each of the colleges by the time you are eligible to enroll. (2 points for each college)
2. (22 points) Devise one spreadsheet for the entire project that displays the following information about each of your three favorite colleges.
3 points - tuition per year (1 point per college)
3 points - room & board per year (1 point per college)
3 points - estimated cost per year for books - you might have to call or e-mail the college bookstore (1 point per college)
3 points - estimated living expenses (1 point per college)
4 points - scholarships you think you might qualify for per year - find at least four. (1 point per scholarship)
6 points - total expected expense (tuition + room & board + books + living expenses - scholarships) (2 points per college)
3. (20 points) On a separate sheet of paper, write a short description about each of the scholarships that you plan on receiving. You should have at least four descriptions on this page.
5 points for each of the four descriptions - 3 points for the description and 2 points for the grammar and spelling.
4. (10 points) Based on the information you have accumulated, decide on which of the three colleges you would like to attend. Write a short essay (1-2 paragraphs) on why you made this decision.
5 points - answered the question, stating at least 2 reasons for the decision
5 points - grammar and spelling
5. (15 points) Finally, answer the following conclusion questions. Each answer must use complete sentences and be at least 3 sentences long.
What math skills did you use for this project?
How did math assist you in your decision making?
What other subjects did you use?
5 points per question - 3 points for answering the question completely and 2 points for grammar and spelling
2 answers
No and no!
We don't do student's work for them, nor do we recommend any site where you can purchase such services.
The colleges you pick should have web sites that will give you much of the information you need.
Even though there are some differences, the book costs should be relatively the same for most courses. Seek out prices at your local college or university.
Your high school counselor might also be a good source of information.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.