Can some one please check and see if rewrote this sentences correct.

Punctuation within Sentences—Colon

1. The book had some nice features, such as a hard-bound cover, a ribbon for a bookmark and the author’s signature.

2. German grammar is simple: in that language, there are no exceptions to the rules.

3. Her daughter went on a diet that consisted of all fast food: hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries.

4. The little boy handed Santa a list that said he wanted: a truck, a train and a million dollars.

Punctuation within Sentences—Dash

5. Her mind flew so quickly—she had so much to remember that she forgot to stop at the light.

6. The gardener—took the and the shovel and began to plant the flowers.

Punctuation within Sentences—Hyphen

7 You will need to write both short and long-term goals.

8.The president elect- of the Rotary Club had the winning lottery ticket.

9.One half of the student body- attended the football game.

10. The ill-defined terms somehow were not clear to her.

Punctuation within Sentences�Colon

1. The book had some nice features, such as a hard-bound cover, a ribbon for a bookmark and the author's signature.
correct except that I'd add a comma after "bookmark," too.
" target="_blank">

2. German grammar is simple: in that language, there are no exceptions to the rules.
correct except that since it's a complete sentence that follows the colon, there needs to be a capital I on "in."

3. Her daughter went on a diet that consisted of all fast food: hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries.

4. The little boy handed Santa a list that said he wanted: a truck, a train and a million dollars.
incorrect -- no colon needed between a verb and its direct objects

Punctuation within Sentences�Dash

5. Her mind flew so quickly�she had so much to remember that she forgot to stop at the light.
Your sentence came through exactly as above. What is supposed to be in the place of the question mark?

6. The gardener�took the and the shovel and began to plant the flowers.
Your sentence came through exactly as above. What is supposed to be in the place of the question mark?

Punctuation within Sentences�Hyphen

7 You will need to write both short and long-term goals.
It should read "both short- and long-term goals" -- a shortened form of "short-term and long-term" etc.

8.The president elect- of the Rotary Club had the winning lottery ticket.
Be sure to re-visit the first three words of this sentence.

9.One half of the student body- attended the football game.
Be sure to re-visit the first two words of this sentence; there is no punctuation needed between "body" and "attended."

10. The ill-defined terms somehow were not clear to her.


Writeteacher found a couple of mistakes that I missed. Thanks, Writeacher. :-)

But I saw the dashes correctly.

Ahhh, yes. I think the problem was that I was in Firefox when I logged into Jiskha and read the student's question. The dashes and other marks came through just fine when I'm in IE.


Since World Wide Web was introduced, more than 43milion websites exist on the internet: Google states that they are indexing 4,285,199,774 distinct web pages. These web sites have been built on intended purpose some of these are for fun, some of these are helping sell company¡¯s objectives, and some of these are share their information to others. Commonly, the issues of User centered design of web site and user experience are related to the commercial web sites because website provider want to make audiences visit their website again with good impression and be followed their intentions that are occasionally selling product and applying service they provide. The issues of user centered design are still followed traditional user centered design approaches that are the measures of a tool or application¡¯s success being most often based on whether its intended users can perform their task objectives easily and efficiently. ¡°Interfaces are becoming increasingly social as they as they mediate more social activities (such as conversations) in more sophisticated ways. This makes them cultural products. We already attribute social behaviors to our interface, and this trend is growing. Design research must help us understand our audiences and their interfaces on a social level if we aim to make them happy or successful. It is not enough for interfaces or designs to merely usable. They also must be desirable, useful, needed, understandable and appropriate.¡±[ Nathan Shedroff -Research methods for Designing Effective Experience] To make successful user experience and design user centered design for website, it is matter to know that what is user need and how to grasp audience attention.And then, how the user experiences can be created through digital environment especially on website. We can say that the user experiences can be influenced by sound, visual, contents, interaction on website. In most of case to design website, the companies do not have enough money to hire someone to survey user¡¯s trend and user¡¯s need for its own website. Occasionally, that sort of issue becomes the part of designer¡¯s job to deal with. However, that is not easy job for designer also. In my past work experience, I spent lots of time to search the information of user trend and user taste for website visual and suitable interaction for contents as well as navigation. Whenever I tried to search and gather information, I always thought that if we have knowledge of user¡¯s interaction pattern and basic user need for design, it will be very helpful to design user centered design. Creating pattern of interaction is the one of my concern to design as well. First of all, the attempting to gather the knowledge of interaction pattern and user¡¯s hierarchy of need will be investigated and then be applied to the project that design the information website for the semester 2. I would like to conduct the project which is focused on the user centered design, way finding, and information design practice.
Secondly, the observation the user experience through the research methods, that is Task analysis, focus group, Task-based usability testing, and Log analysis.

Your sentences are correct, excpt for numbers 6 - 9.

Punctuation within Sentences—Dash

5. Her mind flew so quickly—she had so much to remember that she forgot to stop at the light.

6. The gardener—took the and the shovel and began to plant the flowers.
There's no reason for a dash in this sentence.

Punctuation within Sentences—Hyphen

I suggest you check out this Web site about hyphens.

7 You will need to write both short and long-term goals.
Because you're talking about short-term and long-term goals, the correct way to punctuate it is to put a hyphen after short, also.
short- and long-term goals

8.The president elect- of the Rotary Club had the winning lottery ticket.
President-elect should be hyphenated. You don't need a hyphen after elect.

9.One half of the student body- attended the football game.
You don't need a hyphen after body. But you do need a hyphen between two other words. Please check out the Web site and repost your answer for this sentence.

Punctuation within Sentences-Hyphen
You will need to write both short- and long-term goals.

Your answer:
7. You will need to write short-and long-term goals.

Punctuation within Sentences-Square Brackets

The politician argued [in a quite a pompous way] that the government had never been in better hands.

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