can some one help please

Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use." Defend or oppose this statement. How is your response to this assignment consistent with the moral philosophy Explain. If it is not consistent with that philosophy, explain why your philosophy has changed.

We'll be glad to critique your essay if you post it here.

MS. sue

I'M not sure where to start with this its has to be 3 to 4 pages long if you could just help me get started or just some ideas that would help.

On September 15, 1986, the President signed Executive Order 12564, establishing the goal of a Drug-Free Federal Workplace. The Order made it a condition of employment for all Federal employees to refrain from using illegal drugs on or off-duty. In a letter to all executive branch employees dated October 4, 1986, the President reiterated his goal of ensuring a safe and drug-free workplace for all Federal workers. The Secretary of Agriculture on October 10, 1986, expressed the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for a Drug-Free Federal Workplace.

The Executive Order recognized that illegal drug use is seriously impairing a portion of the national workforce, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars each year. As the largest employer in the nation, the Federal Government has a compelling proprietary interest in establishing reasonable and necessary conditions of employment. Prohibiting employee drug use is one such condition. USDA is concerned with the well-being of its employees, the successful accomplishment of agency missions, and the need to maintain employee productivity. The intent of the policy is to offer a helping hand to those who need it, while sending a clear message that any illegal drug use is, quite simply, incompatible with Federal service.

On July 11, 1987, legislation was signed affecting implementation of the Executive Order under Section 503 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1987, P.L. 100-71, 101 Stat. 391, 468-471, codified at 5 U.S.C. Section 7301 (hereafter referred to as the "Act"). The Act established uniformity among Federal agency drug testing plans, reliable and accurate drug testing, employee access to drug testing records, confidentiality of drug testing results, and centralized oversight of the Federal Government's drug testing program.

The purpose of the USDA Drug-Free Workplace Plan is to set forth objectives, policies, procedures, and implementation guidelines, to achieve a drug-free workplace, consistent with the Executive Order and Section 503 of the Act.

B. Statement of Policy

The USDA, in light of its responsibility to protect the agricultural economy, the nation's food supply, and the natural resources of this country, and in light of the corresponding sensitive nature of these endeavors, has a compelling obligation to eliminate illegal drug use from its workplace.

Agricultural products are essential to each and every individual and the economic well-being of the country. Agriculture remains the single most important business concern of the United States. USDA establishes and enforces policies which affect every aspect of agriculture. It is essential that development and implementation of policies affecting the production, harvesting, sales, marketing, research and use of agricultural commodities and natural resources, under the auspices of USDA be established in a drug-free environment.

Illegal drug usage by employees has had a negative impact on the mission of USDA. Cases have been identified where employees have used government property to grow and distribute drugs, created international drug related incidents, embezzled funds and stolen property to maintain their own drug dependencies, and overdosed themselves with heroin on USDA property. The number of such incidents is, fortunately, low when compared with the number of employees. However, the number of drug related incidents being reported has increased by over 300 percent since 1984. This dictates the need for a program which prevents such occurrences.

A drug testing program which incorporates random testing and other appropriate types of testing, provides assistance to, and protection from, drug abusers. Given the seriousness of the existing cases, such a program is a critical component for ensuring the integrity of the accomplishment of the mission of USDA.

The success of USDA's Drug-Free Workplace Program also depends on how well USDA can inform its employees of the hazards of drug use and provide assistance to drug users. Equally important is the assurance to employees that their personal dignity and privacy will be respected in reaching the USDA goal of a drug-free workplace. Therefore, this plan includes policies and procedures for: (1) employee counseling and assistance; (2) supervisory training; (3) employee education; and (4) identification of illegal drug use through drug testing on a carefully controlled and monitored basis.

C. Nature, Frequency, and Type of Drug Testing to be Instituted

The USDA Plan includes the following types of drug testing: (1) applicant testing; (2) random testing of employees in testing designated positions; (3) reasonable suspicion testing; (4) injury, illness, unsafe or unhealthful practice testing; (5) voluntary testing, and (6) testing as part of or as a follow-up to counseling or rehabilitation.

The frequency of random testing, voluntary testing, and follow-up testing is specified at Section IX(A), Section XII(B), and Section XII(C), respectively. The Secretary reserves the right to increase or decrease the frequency of testing based on USDA's mission, need, availability of resources, and experience in the program, consistent with the duty to achieve a drug-free workplace under the Executive order.

D. Drugs for Which Individuals Are Tested

The drugs for which individuals will be tested are listed in Appendix B. For reasonable suspicion testing under Section X of this plan, a test for any drug identified in Schedule I or II of the Controlled Substances Act may be conducted with the approval of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

E. Scope and Implementation

This plan was effective on August 8, 1988, and covers all agencies of USDA.

F. Union Cooperation

The active participation and support of labor organizations can contribute to the success of this program. Management will seek ways in which recognized bargaining unit representatives might assist in program implementation, such as in acquainting employees with rehabilitation facilities and by enhancing employee confidence in the program. Management will continue to observe agreements already reached, and will continue to meet its obligations under Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978.

This is practical information, but it doesn't help you write your essay. Your prompt:

"Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use."

You are supposed to defend or disagree with this statement. I suggest you start with a thesis statement opposing or agreeing with the statement. In other words, do you think that employers have a right to know if their workers use illegal drugs? Why or why not?

The body of your paper will give the reasons for your opinion.

thanks sue