Can les pronoms d'objects directs in passe compose be used with the etre verb as well?
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Both direct and indirect object pronouns are used with the être verbs in the passé composé. Are you using affirmative or negative, interrogative or declarative? If you give us some examples of what you are doing we can clarify it much better for you.
Direct-object ronouns: me (m'), te, (t'), le (l'), la (l'), se (s'), nous, vous .es, se (s')
Don't forget that past participles of reflexive verbs agree in gender and number with the preceding direct object if there is one: Ils se sont arrêtés court. = They stopped (themselves) short.
Où sont les cravates qu'il s'est achetées? = Where are the ties he bought for himself?
Elle s'est brossée. = She brushed herself.
But no agreement with following direct objects. Elle s'est brossé les cheveux. = She brushed her hair.
Ils ne sont pas rappelé la rue. = They didn't remember the street.