Can I please get my answers double checked?

True or False
1. The tangent function is used to find the angel between two vectors.
2. If two vectors are orthogonal, then their dot product is -1.
3. The length of the projected vector is always shorter than the length of the vector on which it is being projected.

4 answers

4. When writing a vector as the sum of two vector components, the first vector to calculate is just the projection of a vector onto another vector.
5. Work represents a scalar value.
on question 1, totally false.
2 false
3. false
4. true, if one wants it in that direction.
5. work is scalar in conservative systems (we live in a conservative universe). Force dot distance
Mystery: What text are you using? These are unusual questions for a HS text. This wording sounds very much like linear algebra.

Remember the definition of orthogonal: Two vectors are orthogonal when their dot product is zero.