can anyone please tell me how i can improve my listening skill in french?

thank you so much!

You could watch more French movies with the caption on to learn the style.

SALUT, Pauline! Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The best way to improve listening skills is to practice, practice, practice! The hardest thing to fight is your mind wanting to shut down the instant you don't understand a word/phrase, etc. Of course, then you stop listening and miss everything that follows. Try to focus on catching everything you can. If you are listening to a situation, try to at least answer the interrogative/question words = who, what, when, why, how, etc. This is what a "script" of what you hear might look like:

xxxxxx_____xxxxxxxxx_____xx______ The "x" represent what you do catch and the "___" would be the "blanks" or what you did not catch. If you are fortunate enough to hear the same exercise twice, try to fill in the "blanks" the next time you listen. It is impossible to try to write down what you hear because then you will miss what you aren't concentrating on. This becomes more or less like a "close" exercise, where you later try to fill in what is missing from the context of what is there!

Here are some listening comprehension sites where you can practice:

1. (select the level you wish to practice)

2. (something to purchase from the publisher)

3. (there are free sample extraits)

4. Champs-Élysées
Champs-Élysées is a French audio magazine aimed at intermediate and advanced French students. Each monthly issue contains about a dozen short features covering diverse topics in French current events and culture, including politics, business, theater, music, and sports. (11 issues/year)

5. (to the right you can click on "sample" for Bien-Dire. Actually there are other audio magazines and perhaps your teacher or another teacher in your school district may have copies. My students really enjoyed "Champs-Elysées" to which I had a subscription for several years.

(There are many sites for you to choose from.)

7. (Broken Link Removed) (From the University of Sussex there are several good sites for students, so don't miss the first 3, for example!)

8. (Broken Link Removed) (There are more and more "podcasts" online so look for those.)

9. (French listening & speaking central)

10. (Broken Link Removed) (activities based on BBC broadcasts)

11. (French radio stations)

12. (Broken Link Removed) (Webz.Net, Internet Web directory where you can pick the subject that interests you most.)

13. Racio Canada Internation =I can not get this on my server but if you can, they broadcast in French, as well as other languages.

14. (Broken Link Removed) (Scola video streaming = in French from Canada and/or France)

15. short-wave radio, native-speakers in your community, music - 3 more ideas

16. (This may or may not be in one of the links above. = A Moi Paris)

Bonne chance! Best of luck and get back to us with any questions. Of course, if you have the opportunity to spend time in a French-speaking country, "total immersion" is the very best way to learn any language! Mme

P.S. Here are the BBC podcasts: