Can anyone please read over my assignment and let me know if there are any grammar or spelling errors?
CheckPoint: Modern Challenges in Immigration
o Should United States government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants?
o Should [citizenship] preference be given to the neediest applicants? The most talented? The most oppressed? The richest?
o Should applications from certain countries be given priority?
The United States government should not favor any kinds of immigrants. America is mostly made up of immigrants from all kinds of nations. It's not fair to allow certain people and turn away others. I think the United States government need to take a look at all applicants and decide fairly who should be granted citizenship. Granted with all the fees they have just to become a citizen people who are rich are probably to only people who could possibly afford to become a citizen. I don't think talent so have anything to do with getting citizenship. What defines the neediest? Is it someone who has family here or is it someone running from their country? The fact that they give top priority to family members of others who are already here is a good thing. With the waiting list so long, you would almost have to send one person to start you up. And then send for the rest of the family. I think all applications should be reviewed equally. They should continue to only allow so many in a one time, but they should be fair and equal each time they do let new people in. Even with the fear for security because of September 11th we shouldn't turn people down because they live in the wrong country.
Except for the sentence begining with "And", there is nothing wrong with the grammar or spelling. There ought to be a comma after "September 11th" in the last sentence.
Your essay shows that you have given a lot of thought to this complex problem. As you can see from the news, Congress and the President are having a very difficult time trying to pass an immigration bill that improves the existing situration. There are many points of view. As America becomes more culturally diverse, and terrorism risks continue, immigration will probably become an even more important source of population growth and national security.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. As a grammarian, here are some ideas for you to check. In the first sentence, "any kinds" might better be "any kind." "The United States government" is a single entity, so "need" should be "needs." After "Granted" you might wish to insert a comma and again after the word "citizen." Instead of "to only people" = "the..." "I don't think talent so have anything" you might drop "so" and make the verb singular = "has." "someone" is singular to rather than "their country" = "his/her" country. As for "the fact that they give" it is not crystal clear to whom "they" refers. Also at the end of your paragraph, you might wish to analyze each "they" to be sure the reader will know the reference. "one person to start you up" = once upon a time Winston Churchill said "never end a sentence a preposition with" so just drop the "up." OR, you might substitute "begin, etc." I agree with drwls that it is not a good idea to begin a sentence with the word "And." At the end, perhaps instead of "because they live in the wrong country" = "for living in the wrong country..."
Your ideas are definitely credible!
6 answers
informative, positive, negative, and persuasive messages.
should not have been on your last month’s bill