Can anyone help me with this?
The board of trustees of a local church is concerned about the internal accounting
controls pertaining to the offering collections made at weekly services. They ask you to
serve on a three-person audit team with the internal auditor of the university and a CPA
who has just joined the church. At a meeting of the audit team and the board of trustees
you learn the following.
1. The church’s board of trustees has delegated responsibility for the financial management
and audit of the financial records to the finance committee. This group prepares
the annual budget and approves major disbursements but is not involved in collections
or recordkeeping. No audit has been made in recent years because the same
trusted employee has kept church records and served as financial secretary for 15
years. The church does not carry any fidelity insurance.
2. The collection at the weekly service is taken by a team of ushers who volunteer to