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1. CheckPoint: Full-Sentence Outline
• Resources: Organizing Your Research Paper & Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and Argumentation
• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
• Review the criteria for full-sentence outlines in Organizing Your Research Paper on the student web page.
• Create a full-sentence outline that includes effective arguments and counterarguments to support your thesis. (Note: Outline only the body of your paper.) Remember to avoid bias and fallacies and to include rhetorical devices that strengthen your writing.
• Answer the following: Where did you place the most effective arguments in your paper? Explain your reasoning. How did you address counterarguments without weakening your own premise?
• Post the full-sentence outline as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
My Thesis statement
Even though most personal information is protected, identity is an easy crime to commit because personal information is easily accessible.
I plan to support my thesis with compelling arguments and counter arguments by looking for opposing viewpoints and finding evidence to refute them and I will examine the bold acts of Identity Theft from all sides. I am going to address any bias or fallacies that I may come across. I am going to find the strongest possible evidence to support my claims. I will take detailed notes during my research and give credit where it is due. My research will be credible and trustworthy. I will gather information from different types of sources and make sure the information is current. I will allow significant time for gathering my information and keep in mind that eighty percent of my paper should be my own thoughts and ideas. I will also remember that no more than twenty percent should consist of quotations.
Possible compelling arguments include: -- How easy it is to find personal information online -- People are willing to provide personal information online, on the phone, and in person without knowing who is asking for the information.
Possible compelling counterarguments include: -- Many companies provide protection for their customers and would lose business if every customer became a victim of identity theft -- Some people choose not to provide their personal information because they want to protect themselves from identify theft.
8 answers
I. Main point 1 in a complete sentence.
A. Subpoint 1 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.
B. Subpoint 2 in a complete sentence.
1. Checkpoint: Full-Sentence Outline
This outline will cover the following topics:
• Your Rights as a Crime Victim
• Redacting Information: Protecting Your Privacy and Information
• Your Role as a Victim in the Courtroom
• Explanation of Various Phases in the Judicial Process
A. In general, you have the right to:
1. Be treated fairly and with respect to your dignity and privacy.
2. Be reasonably protected from the accused offender, from verbal, written, implied or physical harassment or threat.
3. Be notified of court proceedings.
4. Attend all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless the court determines that your testimony would be materially affected if you heard other testimony at the trial.
5. Confer with the attorney for the government.
6. Request and have the court hear an order of restitution.
7. Prepare a victim impact statement about the crime’s emotional, physical and financial impact on you for inclusion in the pre-sentencing investigative report.
8. Receive information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment and release of the offender.
9. Receive information and referrals to programs that can help you.
B. Throughout the process of clearing your name, you have filled out a number of affidavits
1. This could be your new driver’s license number, mother’s maiden name, former addresses or names used, new address, birth date and account numbers.
2. Many victims do not know that you may request that identifying information be redacted (blackened out) from documents being put into court records or given to the defense attorney during discovery.
3. On these forms is some information you might not want publicly known.
• Throughout the court process, take detailed notes. Note names of people who testify, the name of the judge, DA, court reporter and even the probation officer. Write down who said what, judicial rulings, anything the defendant says. Jot down questions about things you don’t understand or items you feel were ignored. You can ask the DA or victim assistance counselor about those later.
A. Dress in business attire. Impressions do count and the judge/jury will be aware of your presence. Your attire will reflect your seriousness, credibility, and respect to the court.
• Do not interrupt the attorneys or the judge. You are a guest in the courtroom. You may be the victim, but this is not about you. It’s about the defendant. Keep any emotions of anger, frustration, or pain well under control. If you must say something of vital importance to the DA during the hearing, write it down on a slip of paper and hand it to the bailiff/marshal for delivery.
• Do not approach the attorney or the judge without an invitation.
• Talk with the DA on your case before the trial or hearing begins. Ask what to expect at that hearing and if your testimony or a victim impact statement is appropriate at that time.
• Have copies of your victim impact statement printed and ready to present to court. This is the time to mention your out-of-pocket costs for restitution. Include a separate sheet with the financial statement of detailing costs. Attach copies of the receipts to your financial statement.
• You might also say a quick hello in person to the DA when you arrive, just to let him/her know you are present. The bailiff or marshal can point the DA out to you before all hearings begin.
• If you are to testify, you usually will be told ahead of time, and receive either a subpoena or summons to appear. Someone from the DA’s office will usually go over your testimony prior to your appearance.
• Remember that any comments you are asked to make should be brief and to the point.
1. The following are common terms in the process. However, each case is different and yours may vary from the outline below.III. Main point 3 in a complete sentence.
Arraignment: This must be done within 48 hours of an arrest. This is when the defendant comes before a judge for the first time, to answer the accusations made by the “state.”
Pretrial Readiness Conference: Usually a meeting in the judge’s chambers. This is when the prosecutor shows or discloses (disclosure) all the evidence they have collected in a case to the defense attorney so that they may adequately prepare the defense. It is also a time that the possibility of a plea bargain may be discussed. You probably will not be present during this phase.
Plea Bargain: A Plea Bargain may be made and accepted any time during the process, as long as a jury has not yet announced its verdict.
Preliminary Hearing: The first hearing of the evidence before a judge. The preliminary hearing judge determines if there is sufficient evidence to hold the defendant over for trial. The judge may ask if the defendant waives his/her right to a jury trial.
Evidentiary Hearing: A hearing to discuss the validity of evidence that will be considered during trial. Evidentiary hearings may be held at anytime during the trial.
Judge or Jury Trial: A case is tried before a ruling body, either a judge and jury, or just a judge. All defendants have the right to have a case heard before a jury of their peers. Or they can waive (give up) that right and agree to a hearing (trial) before a judge. In trials before a judge only, the judge rules both on the points of law and the innocence or guilt of the defendant.
Sentencing Hearing: The sentencing hearing is the time when a judge sets the punishment if a defendant is found guilty. Prior to this hearing, victims in the case will be contacted by the Probation Department and interviewed. It is the responsibility of the Probation Department to determine emotional, physical and financial damages to victims, and to consider that information in their recommendations to the court regarding sentencing.
Review Hearing: Some judges maintain jurisdiction over a case after sentencing. This is a way to make sure that all terms of sentencing and probation is being met, and that the convicted defendant is following those terms.