Can anyone guide me in coming up w/ a current developmental psychology topic?
I'm thinking of the topic "designer babies"...I'm not sure this will be a proper topic. The teacher's assignment was general in nature.
Thanks in advance.
Look at the internet influences articles.
If you want a topic for a "general" assignment, pick one that might interest you, especially one that applies to you.
Since I don't know how old you are, I'm not sure if all the topics will apply.
Adjustments to first day of school (grade, high school, college)?
How about learning to live on your own, away from your parents?
Fitting into or being influenced by a peer group?
Participation in organized sports?
Another thing you could do is page through your textbook. The topics covered there might "click" with a topic that interests you.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
1 answer
Thanks in anticipation