Can anyone give me ideas for a poem? Three poems is the minimum. You may write more.

*Read all of the instructions*

Place page breaks between poems. Each poem should start at the top of a page.

Each poem needs a title. Place the title in bold at the top of the poem.

The Length of poems can vary, as in Singing With Elephants.

Break up your poem into stanzas. One stanza can consist of one sentence broken up into multiple lines.

Use punctuation in the manner of the book--use dashes when possible! (Poets love dashes--they can extend sentences without the use of periods.)

Use first person narration.

Your poems can be fictional, or they can be non-fictional, or they can be hybrids--it's up to you.

We are writing free verse in the style of Singing With Elephants. Please do not create Dr. Seuss-style rhymes--those are perfectly valid poems, they're just not what we're creating here.

Please create realistic poems about the real world. We are not writing silly or fantastical poems here--we're writing poems in the style of the book.

Your poems can be about anything. This includes, but is not limited to:
your family: parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc.
poetry itself--poets love writing poems about poetry
your Wall of Awful
places you've visited
life in a pandemic