I am writing to complain about the advertisement for your new game.<~~What is the name of this game? I just played the game<~~comma needed and then i<~~?? realised that the advertisement is misleading.
You say there are big cash prizes and averyone<~~?? can win it<~~What is "it"?. In fact<~~comma needed there is only one prize, so only one person can win it. You also say that the game is cheap, but funte 5<~~?? for a game is expensive,<~~What does "expensive" mean? How much is "expensive"? Compared to what? because not many people<~~How many are "not many"? Are you saying that everyone should be able to afford it? Isn't that unrealistic in our world? can afford it.
Also, your letter is not complete. Read the information here to see what is missing.
Then revise/rewrite and re-post.
Can anyone check this text and if there are any mistakes, fix it?
I am writing to complain about the advertisement for your new game. I just played the game and then i realised that the advertisement is misleading.
You say there are big cash prizes and averyone can win it. In fact there is only one prize, so only one person can win it. You also say that the game is cheap, but funte 5 for a game is expensive, because not many people can afford it.
2 answers
you spelt everyone averyone and i don't know what funte is lol !