Can anybody help me, I really don't understand this question. If there are like any links to qualified websites or something I can use please link them:
"What information about ancient India have scholars learned from the Vedas? Do you think the Vedas are a reliable source of information? Why or why not?"
I answered:
Information such as the origins of the Vedas have been discovered by scholars. Other evidence suggesting that they believed that there was only one god yet they worshiped many gods was also uncovered by scholars. I believe their sources can indeed be proved by other reliable sources, so yes I think they are correct.
17 answers
Can anyone at least check my answers? I'm not really confident about it but I tried looking twice and this is all I found.
I'm not familiar enough with the history of India to know, but check out many of these search results and see what you think.
I honestly really really appreciate it but those are all the sources I have already looked at. Thank you so much anyway
Can anyone else help me or check my answers??
I don't think you're addressing the actual questions.
Here's the assignment: "What information about ancient India have scholars learned from the Vedas? Do you think the Vedas are a reliable source of information? Why or why not?"
Information such as the origins of the Vedas have been discovered by scholars. <~~ That's just repeating part of the question. Omit it.
Other evidence <~~What other evidence?
suggesting that they believed that there was only one god yet they worshiped many gods was also uncovered by scholars. <~~vague until you address my first question.
I believe their sources can indeed be proved by other reliable sources <~~what other reliable sources?
so yes I think they are correct. <~~"they" = scholars? sources? the Vedas? what are "they"?
Here's the assignment: "What information about ancient India have scholars learned from the Vedas? Do you think the Vedas are a reliable source of information? Why or why not?"
Information such as the origins of the Vedas have been discovered by scholars. <~~ That's just repeating part of the question. Omit it.
Other evidence <~~What other evidence?
suggesting that they believed that there was only one god yet they worshiped many gods was also uncovered by scholars. <~~vague until you address my first question.
I believe their sources can indeed be proved by other reliable sources <~~what other reliable sources?
so yes I think they are correct. <~~"they" = scholars? sources? the Vedas? what are "they"?
So my statement is not clear enough? Do I need to be more elaborate when saying things such as, "other evidence" I need to actually show or tell where i found such evidence? Is that what you're saying?
If so I can fix that....
Yes. If you plan to keep your answer so far, then in each of the places where I asked a question, you need to add specifics and details.
Thank you so much! I need to pass this question in order to get a good grade on my test, so I am so grateful to you for checking my answers. I don't get why people are always calling you teachers out and being disrespectful you guys are so helpful. Thank you again!
You're very welcome!
It's really nice to work with a student who doesn't just want all the answers without any effort on his/her part!! <sigh>
It's really nice to work with a student who doesn't just want all the answers without any effort on his/her part!! <sigh>
Thank you. I agree, other students just want the answer handed to them. I think this is wrong for two reasons: 1- being that they could get caught cheating and banned from the site. 2- if they just get the answers without doing any of the work they don't actually know the stuff they're learning therefor they won't know hat to do on the state test.
YAY! YES YES!! I completed my test and I got a 100% thanks to you!!!
Excellent!! Congratulations!
what are the answer's for this test??? all you tutors do is tell us what we do already know
They actually help a lot maybe you should try and listen
Last time I asked for help I got accused of cheating when I literally was asking for help
trust issues you should just stop because this isnt a cheating site if they teach you what you know you shouldnt need help