No, a percentile cannot have the value of 517 because percentiles range from 0 to 100, indicating the percentage of data below a certain point.
Yes, a percentile can have the value -5.8 if the data being analyzed includes negative values. The percentile value reflects the point in the data below which the specified percentage of data falls.
Yes, a percentile can have the rank 517 if there are more than 517 data points in the dataset. The rank reflects the position of a data point within the dataset when it is sorted in ascending order.
No, a percentile cannot have the rank -5.8 because ranks are always positive numbers, reflecting the position of a data point in a sorted dataset.
Can a percentile have the VALUE of 517?
Can a percnetile have the VALUE -5.8?
Can a percentile have the RANK 517?
Can a percnetile have the RANK -5.8?
1 answer