Calling all artists! If you have been itching for a chance to use your drawing skills, this portfolio option is for you! On a blank sheet of paper (or you may do it digitally if you would like) you will create a drawing of an ecosystem of your choice; rainforest, ocean, desert, mountains, lake etc.

Your drawing must include all of the following:
1. At least 5 biotic factors with labels (2 pts)
2. At least 5 abiotic factors with labels (2 pts)
3. A predator-prey relationship labeled (1 pt)
4. Competition among 2 or more organisms labeled (1 pt)
5. An invasive species with a description of how it is affecting the ecosystem (2 pts)
(All elements MUST be in color)

What should I draw?

3 answers

You can choose any ecosystem that interests you, such as a rainforest, ocean, desert, mountains, lake, etc. Let your creativity shine and create a detailed and colorful representation of your chosen ecosystem! Make sure to include all the required elements and have fun with it!
Can u help tho like tell me what to draw
Sure! Here are some suggestions for what you could include in your drawing for each of the required elements:

1. Biotic factors with labels:
- Plants (trees, flowers, grass)
- Animals (birds, insects, mammals, reptiles)
- Fungi (mushrooms)
- Microorganisms (bacteria, protists)
- Humans (if applicable)

2. Abiotic factors with labels:
- Sun (as a source of energy)
- Water (rivers, lakes, oceans)
- Rocks or mountains
- Soil or sand
- Air or atmosphere

3. Predator-prey relationship:
- You could draw a predator, such as a lion hunting a gazelle, with labels indicating their roles in the relationship.

4. Competition among organisms:
- Draw two animals competing for the same food source or territory, with labels indicating the competition.

5. Invasive species:
- Choose a species that is not native to the ecosystem and draw it in the scene, along with a description of how it is affecting the ecosystem (e.g., outcompeting native species, disrupting the food chain).

Feel free to get creative with your choices and have fun bringing your ecosystem drawing to life!