Silver iodate is AgIO3.
.................AgIO3 ==> Ag^+ + IO3^-
Qsp = (Ag^+)(IO3^-) = ?
Ag^+ and IO3^- have been added to the solution by way of two additions. First you must recognize the both solutions have been diluted (each solution dilute the other). Correct for both so you know the concentrations of each. You do one at a time. Note that the total volume, when each is added to the other, is 20 mL.
(AgNO3) = 0.011 M x (10 mL/20 mL) = ?
(NaIO3) = 0.02 M x (10 mL/20 mL) = ?
Plug these concentrations into Qsp and solve. Post your work if you get stuck.
Calculate the value of the reaction quotient, Q, of silver iodate (AgIO3) when 10.0 mL of 0.011 M AgNO3 is mixed with 10.0 mL of 0.02 M NaIO3.
Can you please explain the process?
2 answers