calculate the sum of squares of given input of numbers flowchart
3 answers
just need it
Step 1: Read N.Step 2 : Let ctr = 0 sum = 0.Step 3: Read Num.Step 4 : ctr = ctr + 1.Step 5: Compute the square of the number i.e. = sqr Num * Num.Step 6 : sum = sum * sqr.Step 7: If ctr is less than N then repeat steps 3 to 6. Step 8: Print sum.Step 9: End.
Replying the first answer: Read N? Read Num? From where?
Step 5 is the most confusing of the steps in your algorithm.
Are N and Num the same variables?
You didnt start with a value sqr
Step 6 youre computing sum*sqr
Either be clear with your algorithm or dont come online and post confusing processes
Step 5 is the most confusing of the steps in your algorithm.
Are N and Num the same variables?
You didnt start with a value sqr
Step 6 youre computing sum*sqr
Either be clear with your algorithm or dont come online and post confusing processes