Calculate the number of moles of Co^+2 are there in the equation Co(H2O)6^+2 +4Cl <--> CoCl4^-2 +6H2O?
I had found in the previous question the number of moles of CoCl2*6H2O and I'm not sure but I believe the moles of CoCl2*6H2O are the same as CO^+2.
1 answer
I read the question as how many Co^2+ total there are in that equation. There is 1 mol Co^2+ in CoCl2*6H2O and another in CoCl4^2- to make a total of 2 mol Co^2+. As I re-read the question it appears you have worked on parts of the problem and what you have posted is a re-worded part of the question. You may have changed the meaning of the question; at any rate, I read it as total mols from your post.