delta T = Kf*m
delta T = 179.8-176.7 = ?
Kf = from your table.
Solve for molality.
Then m = mols/kg solvent
m from above.
kg solvent = 0.02503 kg
Solve for mols.
Then mols = grams/molar mass
mols from above.
mass unknown = 0.195g
Solve for molar mass.
Calculate the molar mass of an unknown molecular compound mixed with solid camphor C10H16O, heated and then cooled giving the following data. show all steps in calculation.
mass of unknown: 0.195 g
Tf(camphor)= 179.8 degree C
Kf(camphor)=-40.0 degree C/m
mass of camphor-25.03g
Tf(solution)=176.7 degree C
1 answer