Calculate the energy in Joules, of a photon of blue light have a frequency of 5.0 x 10^14 hertz.
v= 3.00x10^8/5.0x10^14= 6x10^-7
E=(6.626x10^-34) (6x10^-7)= 3.9x10^40 Joules
What am I doing wrong? I got this wrong on my exam and have a final tomorrow, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Stacie
1 answer
You have assigned the values wrong. v is nu (which I don't know how to make) and that is frequency. You already have frequency so that v = C/lambda is not only not needed but is incorrect. So you substitute directly into E = hv = 6.626E-34*5E14 = 3.3E-19 J.