To calculate the distance between Lagos and Cairo, we can use the latitude and longitude coordinates of the two cities.
The latitude of Lagos is 40°N and the latitude of Cairo is 30°N.
The distance between the two cities can be calculated using the Haversine formula, which is a formula used to calculate the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere (in this case, the Earth's surface).
Using the Haversine formula, the distance (D) between two points with latitudes (lat1 and lat2) can be calculated as:
D = 2 * R * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2((lat2 - lat1) / 2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin^2((lon2 - lon1) / 2)))
Where R is the radius of the Earth (approximately 6,371 kilometers).
Substituting the values for Lagos (40°N) and Cairo (30°N) into the formula, we get:
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2((30° - 40°) / 2) + cos(40°) * cos(30°) * sin^2((0° - 0°) / 2)))
Calculating this, we get:
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2((-10°) / 2) + cos(40°) * cos(30°) * sin^2(0° / 2)))
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2(-5°) + cos(40°) * cos(30°) * sin^2(0°)))
Using trigonometric identities, we can simplify the expression further:
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2(-5° / 2) + cos(40°) * cos(30°) * sin^2(0°)))
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2(-2.5°) + cos(40°) * cos(30°) * sin^2(0°)))
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2(-2.5°) + cos(40°) * cos(30°) * 0))
Since sin(0°) = 0, the term sin^2(0°) becomes 0.
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2(-2.5°) + 0))
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin^2(-2.5°)))
D = 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt((-sin(2.5°))^2))
Using a scientific calculator or an online calculator, we can find that:
D ≈ 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(sqrt(0.00213134))
D ≈ 2 * 6,371 * arcsin(0.046181)
D ≈ 2 * 6,371 * 0.046420
D ≈ 2 * 6,371 * 0.046420
D ≈ 2 * 6,371 * 0.046420
D ≈ 2 * 6,371 * 0.046420
D ≈ 6,371 * 0.092840
D ≈ 592.17 kilometers
Therefore, the approximate distance between Lagos and Cairo is 592.17 kilometers.
Calculate the distance between Lagos (40°n) and Cairo (30°n)
1 answer