amperes x seconds = coulombs.
95,486 coulombs = 1 mol electrons.
Calculate the current required to transfer 0.015 mols of electrons in a time of 20 min
2 answers
What am I doing wrong?
If a current of 54 A flows into a cell for 45 minutes 30 s, determine the mass of chronium deposited.
My answer:
54 x 2730 s = 147420
= 1.52 mols
m = n x M
=1.52 x 52
= 79.5
If a current of 54 A flows into a cell for 45 minutes 30 s, determine the mass of chronium deposited.
My answer:
54 x 2730 s = 147420
= 1.52 mols
m = n x M
=1.52 x 52
= 79.5