since you give no indications of any side lengths, it's kinda hard for us to say, right?
and besides, area is in cm^2, dontcha know
Calculate the area of the composite figure which is not drawn to scale.
17 cm
10 cm
22 cm
17 cm
19 cm
the shape is a rectangle with a right triangle on its side
43 answers
he did give side lengths see
17 cm
10 cm
22 cm
17 cm
19 cm
17 cm
10 cm
22 cm
17 cm
19 cm
what is the answer
what are the sides
the meashurement
what are the answers
What are the answers? jeeesus
the figure looks like a 3d foot facing right the top says 17cm the back says 22cm the shin says 10cm the heel says 17cm and the toes say 19cm
There! geez guys...
ugh, people just use your big brains. Sorry. I'll try to give you the answer soon. But try to do it on your own and ask your mom or dad or older siblings for help. If they can't help then maybe ask your math teacher. Thanks, bye. :)
Bae girl calm it down bby girl now Period
fire star no one asked
thxs people
You wouldn’t be on this website if you where not looking for answers but since you where tells me u were cheating as well so yea
Lol fire why you on here then? Because ain’t no way you just came here to see what other people are doing Lmao your cheating to bozo
SO please please help.
I am tired and cranky and my mom is coming home soon so seeing people fighting like this isn't going to help anyone your just wasting your freaking time doing that and Firestar we aren't cheaters we are just here because school is hard and we are learning that so just stop being mean and shaming everyone on here to most likely make yourself feel better and if you aren't here to do that then why are you on the site just go on another one or shut the frick up and I don't care who is with me or against me or if you don't care.
What's the answer?
guys brainly helped me more with this quiz i have the answers for the first question in part 2 but im still looking for the answers to the 2 part so i say go to brainly and look there sence i havent yet (for the 2 question in part 2 of the quiz)
the answer is 120in yw
looga is right i got 100% on connexus
looga is 100% correct
looga explain it more at least
Okay guys I know this is days after but here it is I hope it helps
12 x 19=288
288 / (Divided by) 2 = 114
22 x 17 = 374
114 + 374 = 488
I hope it helps and I'm not lying because yall saw me mad up there.
12 x 19=288
288 / (Divided by) 2 = 114
22 x 17 = 374
114 + 374 = 488
I hope it helps and I'm not lying because yall saw me mad up there.
looga can you pls explain how you got the answer cause on my test you have to right all the steps you used to find the answer and I’m way behind on school so I’m trying to get back to where I’m supposed to be as quickly as I can.
@Hi what do you mean by that is your question the same or different?
Geez guys if it isn't someone screaming weird stuff like Cobra Kai its people fighting and I want no hate but chill guys. I have been on this site for a while living in the shadows no saying anything until now and I don't seem to learn anything when yall fight so please stop?
everything is right Kaykaybay2020 except 288 divided by 2 equals 144
and the answer is 518 I used a calculator
Name is right thx
you mean 532 name
never mind your right know i see
yall r no help
@Name Can You Explain How You Got That Answer?
Fire star, if this website is for cheaters then what are you doing on it?
Why cant anyone just give the damn answers? Even if this is a cheating website its on here for students who are struggling or just rlly need help, who cares if its cheatibg
Do your duty without expecting returns :)
kaykaybay2020 i toattly agree with you if we met we would toattly be best friends
Actually, all of you are wrong.
Kaykaybay2020's final answer is correct but the steps aren't entirely.
22 - 10 =12
12 x 19 = 228
The rest of the steps are correct from there
Kaykaybay2020's final answer is correct but the steps aren't entirely.
22 - 10 =12
12 x 19 = 228
The rest of the steps are correct from there
tysm @unknown person 14!! (: