national borders. 2.7 Bottom-up approach G A group of European countries that have formed an economic and political union. 2.8 Economic transition H A situation where a country imports more than it exports. 2.9 Globalization I Natural resources used in production. 2.10 Trade C The rise of international trade and investment that leads to economic interdependence.
Now, here's the completed matching for your questions:
2.1 European Union - G
2.2 Trade imbalance - H
2.3 Top-down approach - B
2.4 Social indicator of development - C
2.5 Development - A
2.6 Raw materials - I
2.7 Bottom-up approach - B
2.8 Economic transition - D
2.9 Globalization - F
2.10 Trade - F
(Note: there are some repetitions in the options, so I provided the best matching given the provided definitions.)
Feel free to provide any modifications or more information to refine the answers!