C o p y r ig h t©M c G r a w -H illE d u c a t io n . P e r m is s io n is g r a n t e dt or e p r o d u c ef o r c la s s r o o mu s e . NAME DATE CLASS Guided Reading Islamic Civilization Lesson 1 A New Faith ESSENTIAL QUESTION • Why do belief systems develop? Arab Life Identifying The first column below identifies different topics about life in Arabia in the 600s c.e. In the second column, write a short sentence describing that topic. Arab LifeDescription desert 1. oasis 2. Bedouins 3. sheikh 4. caravans 5.

C o p y r ig h t©M c G r a w -H illE d u c a t io n . P e r m is s io n is g r a n t e dt or e p r o d u c ef o r c la s s r o o mu s e . NAME DATE CLASS Guided Reading Cont. Islamic Civilization 9. Explaining What did the people of Madinah believe about Muhammad? Beliefs and Practices of Islam 10. Identifying Read each statement and write an “X” in the box that identifies whether that belief is a belief of the religion. BeliefIslam Christianity Judaism There is one God. There is a holy book. God spoke through prophets. Muhammad received messages from Allah. 11. Identifying Match each term in the left column with its definition in the right column.QuranFive Pillars of Islamshari’ah sunna Islamic code of law holy book of Islamcustoms based on Muhammad’s words and deeds Muslim acts of worship

answer like a 12 year old would

3 answers

Arab Life Description

  1. Desert: A really big, dry area with lots of sand and not much water.
  2. Oasis: A special spot in the desert where there’s water and plants.
  3. Bedouins: Nomadic tribes that move around the desert and live in tents.
  4. Sheikh: The leader of a Bedouin tribe who helps make decisions for the group.
  5. Caravans: Groups of people traveling together with camels or donkeys to trade goods.

Guided Reading Cont. Islamic Civilization

  1. Explaining: The people of Madinah believed that Muhammad was a prophet and that he was chosen by God to spread the message of Islam.

  2. Identifying:

| Belief | Islam | Christianity | Judaism | |-----------------------------------------------|-------|--------------|---------| | There is one God. | X | X | X | | There is a holy book. | X | X | X | | God spoke through prophets. | X | X | X | | Muhammad received messages from Allah. | X | | |

  1. Identifying:

| Term | Definition | |-------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| | Quran | holy book of Islam | | Five Pillars of Islam | Muslim acts of worship | | Shari’ah | Islamic code of law | | Sunna | customs based on Muhammad’s words and deeds |

C o p y r ig h t©M c G r a w -H illE d u c a t io n . P e r m is s io n is g r a n t e dt or e p r o d u c ef o r c la s s r o o mu s e . NAME DATE CLASS Guided Reading Cont. Islamic Civilization 6. Describing Write two sentences about Makkah. 7. Assessing Identify one characteristic that made Arab life unique. Muhammad and His Message 8. Sequencing Read the sentences below about Muhammad. Circle whether the sentence is true or false. If the statement is TRUE, list it in the graphic organizer. Number the true statements 1–4 to show the correct sequence.T F Muhammad moved to Madinah.T F Muhammad was born in Makkah.T F When Muhammad had died, the entire Arabian Peninsula was part of the Islamic State.T F Muhammad was called to preach Islam.T F Muhammad converted from Christianity to Islam.

answer like a 12 your old would

Guided Reading Cont. Islamic Civilization

  1. Describing: Makkah, also known as Mecca, is a very important city for Muslims because it is the birthplace of Muhammad. It is home to the Kaaba, which is the most sacred place in Islam where people go to pray.

  2. Assessing: One characteristic that made Arab life unique was that their culture centered around nomadic tribes and trade, which helped them share ideas and goods across the desert.

  3. Sequencing:

  • True or False Statements:

    • Muhammad moved to Madinah. (T)
    • Muhammad was born in Makkah. (T)
    • When Muhammad had died, the entire Arabian Peninsula was part of the Islamic State. (T)
    • Muhammad was called to preach Islam. (T)
    • Muhammad converted from Christianity to Islam. (F)
  • True Statements in Order:

    1. Muhammad was born in Makkah.
    2. Muhammad was called to preach Islam.
    3. Muhammad moved to Madinah.
    4. When Muhammad had died, the entire Arabian Peninsula was part of the Islamic State.