Observations from Jerusalem during Passover, 33 C.E.
7. Jesus and His Disciples Enter Jerusalem
A large crowd gathers as Jesus rides into the city on a donkey, symbolizing peace and fulfilling ancient prophecies. People wave palm branches and shout, "Hosanna!" expressing their excitement and hope for his leadership.
Many begin to refer to him as the "Messiah" and "King," creating a palpable tension among the local authorities who fear his growing influence and the disruption of public order.
8. Celebration of the Passover Meal
Jesus and his disciples gather in a humble room to observe the Passover, a significant tradition commemorating the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. The atmosphere is filled with reverence and anticipation as they share bread and wine, symbols of his body and blood.
During the meal, Jesus speaks of betrayal, indicating that one of his closest followers will turn against him. The disciples react with confusion and concern, sparking intense discussions about loyalty and fear.
9. Jesus is Arrested
Late in the night, as Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, a group of soldiers and temple guards arrives, led by Judas. The tension is palpable as they confront Jesus, who calmly accepts his fate despite the chaos around him.
The disciples are overwhelmed with fear, some attempting to fight back, while others flee into the shadows. The arrest marks a profound shift in the atmosphere, leaving many mournful and anxious about what will happen next.