Luke mentioned Cyprus to indicate the ship's route and that they traveled along the coast, avoiding the island.
By what course did Paul and his companions travel to Tyre?The boat that Paul and his companions boarded “ran with a straight course.” That is, it sailed before the wind, without tacking, and under fair winds until they reached Cos later that same day. (Acts 21:1) It seems that the boat anchored there overnight before sailing on to Rhodes and Patara. At Patara, on the southern coast of Asia Minor, the brothers boarded a large cargo ship, which carried them directly to Tyre, in Phoenicia. On the way, they passed “the island of Cyprus . . . on the left [port] side.” (Acts 21:3) Why did Luke, the writer of Acts, mention that detail?
Answer the question in a very short sentence, very understandable, and please make it a short sentence, use the JW bible and the JW information in the paragraph to help you answer the question
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