By the way, my homework is due Wednesday, November 13th at 4:10 pm. I would appreciate it if you could please walk me through all of the steps to solve all parts of this problem. If a triple-heterozygote is testcrossed and yields 3000 progeny, among them 259 are hairless tomato plants, 40 are hairless tomato plants with jointless fruit stems, 931 tomato plants have jointless fruit stems, 260 are normal tomato plants that produce the pigment anthocyanin, are hairy plants, and have jointed fruit stems, 268 of the progeny do not produce the pigment anthocyanin, have jointless fruit stems, and are hairless tomato plants, 941 do not produce the pigment anthocyanin and are hairless tomato plants, 32 do not produce the pigment anthocyanin, and 269 do not produce the pigment anthocyanin and have jointless fruit stems. Three genes on chromosome 5 of the tomato are: 'A'

(the recessive allele 'a' does not produce the pigment anthocyanin), 'H' (the recessive allele 'h' produces plants without hairs), and 'J' (the recessive allele 'j' produces jointless fruit stems).
a. What is the genotype of the triply-heterozygous parent?
b. What is the order of the three genes?
c. What is the recombination frequency between H & A?
d. What is the recombination frequency between H & J?
e. Draw a genetic map of these three genes.
f. What is the interference for these genes?