By the end of Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, both of whom loved Juliet, are dead. The two characters, however, are very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the two men. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis statement. The body of your essay should provide examples of similarities and differences regarding their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions. Close your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.

1 answer

In William Shakespeare’s tragic play Romeo and Juliet, the characters of Paris and Romeo both loved the young Juliet intensely, but their attitudes, actions, and ultimate fates were markedly different. Paris, a nobleman who adhered rigidly to the traditions of society, found himself thwarted in his pursuit of Juliet by her love for Romeo, a passionate and impulsive young man. Though both men ultimately met tragic ends, their journeys along the way were vastly different. This essay will explore the similarities and differences between Paris and Romeo in their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions, ultimately highlighting the contrasting ways in which they navigated their love for Juliet.

Paris and Romeo both loved Juliet deeply, but their attitudes toward love were starkly different. Paris viewed Juliet as a prize to be won, a young woman whose beauty and social status made her a desirable match. He was willing to go through the proper channels, seeking her hand in marriage in accordance with the customs of their society. In contrast, Romeo’s love for Juliet was passionate and all-consuming. He was willing to defy his family and risk his own life to be with her, showing a reckless abandon that contrasted sharply with Paris’s more measured approach.

In terms of traditions, Paris was a staunch believer in upholding the customs and expectations of his society. He sought Juliet’s hand in marriage with the approval of her parents, adhering to the rules that governed their society’s views on marriage and courtship. Romeo, on the other hand, was willing to flout tradition and defy his family in order to be with Juliet. He ignored the feud between their families and pursued his love for her despite the obstacles in their way, showing a willingness to challenge the norms of their society.

Fidelity was another area in which Paris and Romeo differed. Paris was faithful to the customs and expectations of his society, remaining committed to his pursuit of Juliet even in the face of her rejection. Romeo, on the other hand, was loyal to Juliet above all else, forsaking his family and risking his life to be with her. His fidelity to Juliet was unwavering, even in the face of tragedy and death.

Ultimately, Paris and Romeo met tragic ends as a result of their love for Juliet. Paris died in a futile attempt to protect her, while Romeo took his own life upon discovering her apparently lifeless body. Both men’s deaths were a result of their love for Juliet, but the paths they took to reach that point were vastly different. Paris’s adherence to tradition and society’s expectations ultimately led to his downfall, while Romeo’s passionate and impulsive nature drove him to take drastic actions in the name of love.

In conclusion, Paris and Romeo were two very different men who loved Juliet in their own ways. Paris adhered to tradition and society’s expectations, while Romeo followed his heart and pursued his love with passion and intensity. Though both men met tragic ends, their journeys along the way were markedly different, highlighting the contrasting ways in which they navigated their love for Juliet. Their contrasting attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity ultimately shaped their fates and the outcomes of their lives.