By the end of Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, both of whom loved Juliet, are dead.

The two characters, however, are very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the two men. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis statement. The body of your essay should provide examples of similarities and differences regarding their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions. Close your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.

Just looking for some help.

1 answer


The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet left two men, Paris and Romeo, dead. Both men loved Juliet, and despite their similar feelings towards her, they were very different. Their attitudes towards love, traditions, and fidelity were distinct, which ultimately led to their separate outcomes. This essay will compare and contrast the two men.



Paris and Romeo both loved Juliet unconditionally. Romeo saw her as the love of his life and was willing to do anything for her, including breaking the law by sneaking into her home. Paris admired Juliet and respected her wishes, especially when she declined his marriage proposal. Both men saw Juliet's beauty and charm, causing them to fall deeply in love with her.


Attitudes towards Love:
Romeo viewed love in an idealistic and romantic way, whereas Paris approached it pragmatically. Romeo believed in love at first sight and felt that it was the most important aspect of his life. Paris viewed love as more of a practical matter, believing that marrying someone socially acceptable would be best for his life and future.

Paris was a man of tradition and believed strongly in the roles of women and men within society. He believed in arranged marriages and held great importance in upholding his family's reputation. Romeo's attitudes towards traditions were less rigid. He was willing to love and fight for Juliet regardless of societal expectations.

Paris was faithful to Juliet throughout the novel, even when he realized she did not love him. Romeo, on the other hand, was unfaithful to Juliet emotionally when he initially loved Rosaline. He was also unfaithful to her physically when he killed Tybalt, Juliet's cousin.

Paris's actions towards Juliet were noble and respectful. He never forced himself onto her and always tried to understand her perspective. Romeo's actions, on the other hand, were impulsive and reckless. He made decisions without thinking them through, resulting in the death of numerous characters.


In conclusion, Paris and Romeo were two very different men who loved Juliet in their own way. Their attitudes towards love, traditions, and fidelity varied and had significant influence on their individual fates. Paris's respect and admiration towards Juliet ultimately led to his tragic death in trying to protect her. Romeo's impulsive behavior and lack of thought caused the death of Paris and led to his own destruction. While both men loved Juliet, their personalities and actions had very different outcomes.