by reading these pargraph what is a main take away that brisbane city councul have to know or take what action in one or two sentennce
The purpose of this research report is to provide background details specifically about the sport and recreation industry in Brisbane & the Stretton Electorate (Stretton, Drewvale, Kuraby, Karawatha, and Parkinson). Sport and recreation are physical activities designed for relaxation, health, wellbeing, or enjoyment, with the primary activity requiring physical exertion and the primary focus on human activity (DLGSC, 2019). The following benefits of being active in the community are not just beneficial to staying fit and healthy but also provide all kinds of social, emotional, and intellectual benefits. For example, reducing healthcare costs and promoting sustainable transportation methods can lead to economic savings and environmental benefits (Queensland Government, 2020). The possible limitation was a narrowed scope from Brisbane City Council since it targets industry in Brisbane & the Stretton Electorate, and the matching focus faced certain difficulties. Secondary statistical data was gathered for this report from a diverse range of sources, including the government and journals, for detailed analysis.
Research Discussion
The facilities available to Stretton general community such as a swimming pool, gym, fitness classes, sports hall for various activities such as badminton, basketball, and indoor football. Based on the research, it appears that the Stretton community already has sufficient venue options and does not necessitate additional venues. The key factors that influence the use of and access to the current sprot and recreation facilities in the Stretton Electorate area include location and proximity to facilities, cost of usage, availability of programs and services, transportation options, and community engagement and awareness.
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