Convert g CO2 to grams C.
Convert g H2O to grams H.
Then grams O = mass sample - grams C - g H.
Convert grams C to mols C.
Convert grams H to mols H.
Convert grams O to mols O.
Now find the ratio of C,H,O to each other with the smallest number being one. The easy way to do that is to divide the smallest number by itself, then divide the other numbers by the same small number.
Post your work if you need further assistance.
Butanoic acid consists entirely of C, H and O. Upon combustion, a 0.3164g sample of butanoic acid produces 0.6322g CO2 and 0.2588g H2O.
Determine the empirical formula of butanoic acid
I don't want the answer just direction on how to solve this pls
1 answer