but are the any errors for pronoun-anttecedent agreement in paragraph 2 for Swimming Strokes by Lee Carroll

2 answers

Do you mean "What are.." where you wrote "but are.."?

"the any" makes no sense.

Do you mean "Are there any.." (without the "but" ?

We do not have the book to which you refer. Why don't send us the paragraph as it is written? You will have to type it carefully, because you seem to be making many errors already.
I will make bold each pronoun for you. Then you make sure you can find an antecedent for each one, and then make sure they match (singular & singular or plural & plural).

Paragraph 2: When most people think of swimming, they think of the crawl stroke. It involves flutter kicking with your legs as you pull yourself through the water with your arms while alternating your breathing from side to side. The most important part of the crawl stroke is the pull, so strength in the arms are important. The motion of the arms are hand-over-hand. To do the pull, start with the left arm bent at the elbow with the hand pointed down to your hip while the right hand is stretched out in front of you. Pull the hand down through the water until it brush your right thigh. At the same time, bring your right elbow up and reach out in front of you with your right hand. Then repeat the pattern. To me, the hardest part of the crawl stroke is getting the rhythm of your breathing down. A typical pattern is right-arm pull, left-arm pull, right-arm pull and breathe on the left side; followed by left-arm pull, right-arm pull, left-arm pull while breathing on the right side.