"Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste. As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter. A single egg produces a denser brownie than one made with two eggs. Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal."
Which sentence uses subjective language?
A single egg produces a denser brownie than two eggs.
Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.
As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter.
Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal.
1 answer
Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.