Brown hills and canyons that make up part of the San Andreas fault zone

The photo shows the San Andreas fault zone. This is a fault formed at a transform boundary.
What would you expect to find along this fault?
rift valleys

1 answer

Along a transform boundary like the San Andreas Fault, you would expect to find features associated with horizontal movement of tectonic plates rather than features typically associated with rift valleys or volcanic activity. Specifically:

  • Rift valleys are typically formed at divergent boundaries where tectonic plates are moving apart, not along transform boundaries.

  • Volcanoes are generally associated with convergent boundaries (where plates collide) or divergent boundaries (where plates move apart and magma rises to the surface), rather than transform boundaries, which primarily involve lateral sliding.

In the case of the San Andreas Fault, you can expect to find:

  • Earthquake activity, as the friction between the sliding plates can lead to the release of energy.
  • Fractured landscapes and linear valleys due to the movement along the fault.
  • Geological features that indicate past movement, such as offsets in roads, rivers, and other geological formations.

So, neither rift valleys nor volcanoes would typically be found along the San Andreas Fault.