Brisk breezes, scary stories, and touching tunes may not have much in common. But there's one thing they can all do: give people goosebumps.

But why? And how?

Humans can thank their ancient ancestors for this hair-raising happening. Early humans had long body hair. Cold air would make this hair stand straight up. It was a reflex that helped early humans stay toasty warm. Think of it as a fluffy coat. Over time, humans evolved and became less furry. But the reflex remained. It's something all mammals have. In humans today, it looks like goosebumps.

But cold air isn't the only thing that causes goosebumps. Many animals' hair or fur stands up when they face danger. The puffed-up hair makes the animal appear larger, which could help scare away a threat. Creepy places and scary stories can make humans' hair stand up, too. But people today don't have enough hair for any increase in size that might make them look frightening. They just get goosebumps.

Some people also get goosebumps when they experience feelings of joy or cheer, like at a wedding or sporting event. Even strong memories can bring on the reflex long after an event takes place.

Why would feeling good make someone's skin look like that of a plucked goose? It all comes down to one thing: adrenaline.

Adrenaline is a hormone that is released by the body for any number of reasons. Cold? Blame adrenaline. Stressed, excited, angry? You guessed it—adrenaline. It causes the tiny muscles attached to each hair to tighten. And when the muscles tighten, they pull the skin underneath the hairs inward. This makes the surrounding skin look bumpy.

Adrenaline is even responsible for the feeling many people get in their gut on a roller coaster. It's that feeling known as "butterflies in the stomach." So, the next time you're on a thrill ride, don't be surprised to see goosebumps.


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Think about the article. How are humans today different from early humans?
A.We have the same feelings but do not get goosebumps.
B.We have less body hair but still get goosebumps.
C.We have the same amount of body hair but do not need it.
D.We have less adrenaline but still release it with stress.

1 answer

B. We have less body hair but still get goosebumps.