Protocols of the internet are a set of rules or standards that define how data is transmitted across networks. The main protocols of the internet include:
1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): This protocol is responsible for establishing a connection between two devices and ensuring that data is transmitted correctly.
2. Internet Protocol (IP): This protocol is responsible for addressing and routing data packets across networks.
3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): This protocol is used for transmitting web pages and other data over the internet.
4. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): This protocol is used for sending and receiving email messages.
5. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): This protocol is used for transferring files between two devices.
6. Domain Name System (DNS): This protocol is used for translating domain names into IP addresses.
Overall, these protocols ensure that data is transmitted efficiently and accurately across the internet, allowing users to connect and communicate with each other.
Briefly identify and explain Protocols of the Internet.
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