Brian wants to purchase a car wash package from his local car wash. Package A is an unlimited number of car washes for a month, and it costs $35 with no additional charges. Package B is $22 for the month plus $1.50 per car wash. Brian wants to know how many car washes he would need to get in a month to make Package A the better deal.

Which equation and calculation would help him make this decision?

Substitute 35 for y: 35=22x+1.5
x≈1.5, which means at 2 car washes, Package A at $35 would be cheaper.

Substitute 35 for x: y=22(35)+1.5
y=771.5, which means it would take 772 car washes for the plans to be worth the same amount.

Substitute 35 for y: 35=1.5x+22
x≈8.7, which means at 9 car washes, Package A at $35 would be cheaper.

Substitute 35 for x: y=1.5(35)+22
y=74.5, which means Package B is cheaper unless Brian gets at least 75 car washes.

3 answers

All those choices have a lot of noise, but you can easily try them all to see which one works. I'd just do

35 < 22 + 1.50x
12 < 1.50x
8 < x
so x must be at least 9
It should be easy to check which choice implements this solution
The answer is y = 1.5x + 22 Substitute 35 for x: y=1.5(35)+22; x=74.5, which means the discount package is cheaper unless Brian gets 75 car washes.
answer is:
Substitute 35 for x: y=1.5(35)+22
y=74.5, which means Package B is cheaper unless Brian gets at least 75 car washes.

why: i did the test lol dw