1. Prescription medication: For individuals with chronic health conditions, prescription medication is a critical need for managing their health. However, for others who are generally healthy, prescription medication may be considered a want for specific issues such as allergies or non-life-threatening conditions.
2. Smartphones: In today's digital age, smartphones have become an essential tool for communication, work, and entertainment for many people. However, for individuals who prioritize simplicity and value face-to-face interactions, smartphones may be considered a luxury want rather than a necessity.
3. Gym membership: For individuals who prioritize physical fitness and exercise, a gym membership may be a necessary expense to access equipment, classes, and facilities. On the other hand, some people may prefer outdoor activities or at-home workouts, making a gym membership more of a luxury want than a need.
Brainstorm 3 items that could be considered a need for some people, but a want for others.
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