Brain teaser Web Site Hits

Day. Number of hits
Tuesday: 40
Wednesday: 32
Thursday: 24
Friday: 80


1/ how many pictures did you draw for Monday ? Why that many ?

answer ; 9
72 divide 8=9

2/ Rosa drew 4 pictures for thursday on her pictograph because 24 divide 6=4.
What mistake did Rosa make?
3 pictures
(24 divide 8= 3

3/ On saturday, Brain Teaser's Web Site got twice as many hits as on wednesday. How would you show that number of hits on the pictograph? Explain.
64 divide 8= 8

4/ Suppose each hits on the pictograph stood for 4 hits . How would the number of pictures you drew for each day change?

4 pictures

5/ If there were 83 hits on Friday (instead of 80) how many hits would be on the pictograph ? Explain .
Don't know..

6/ If Brain Teaser's Web Site received half as many hits in the following week , how would the pictograph change?

Don't know