Bradford pear trees are ornamental trees that are not native to the United States but they were brought here to be used in landscaping. They were originally thought to be home most of the ecosystem because they were assuming to be unable to reproduce, but then scientist discover they get cross pollinated by native bare trees the resulting offspring trees can take the place a Wild native pear trees. These offspring are bad with ecosystem in several ways that dangerous half of thorns. Also, they reproduce and grow quickly, so the crowd out native species some states like South Carolina have made it illegal to sell new Bradford pear trees

Based on the information in the passage, how should Bradford pear trees be classified in the US

Native species
Predatory species
Invasive species
Unsuccessful, species

3 answers

Invasive species
Which of the following steps to be part of a comprehensive solution to reduce the impact of Bradford pears in their offspring all states should make it legal to sell Bradford pear trees should be part of the solution, or should not be part of the solution

Experts should help identifying remove offspring of the Bradford pear trees should be part of the solution should not be part of the solution
People should plant more Bradford pear trees should be part of the solution, or should not be part of the solution

Homeowners already have Bradford pear tree should cut them down should be part of the solution, or should not be part of the solution

People on states were Bradford pear trees are not solid, should travel to other states to buy them should be part of the solution, or should not be part of the solution

Must pick 5 answers
Based on the information in the passage and the goal of reducing the impact of Bradford pear trees and their offspring, the five answers should be:

1. Experts should help identify and remove offspring of the Bradford pear trees – should be part of the solution.
2. People should plant more Bradford pear trees – should not be part of the solution.
3. Homeowners who already have Bradford pear trees should cut them down – should be part of the solution.
4. All states should make it illegal to sell new Bradford pear trees – should be part of the solution.
5. People in states where Bradford pear trees are not sold should not travel to other states to buy them – should not be part of the solution.