Box n whiskers plot: Draw a number line and mark Q1, the median (Q2), and Q3. Draw a box and whiskers around those marks to represent the IQR and range. The individual data points can be shown as dots or x's of these numbers 141, 330, 292, 198, 263, 224, 149, 121, 223, 125, 126, 48, 111, 327, 238

1 answer

| 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
Q1 Q2 Q3

The box starts at Q1 (125) and ends at Q3 (292). The median (Q2) is 223. The range is from 48 to 330. The whiskers extend from 48 to Q1 and from Q3 to 330.