Box for Ushabtis or Canopic Jars
ca. 850–700 BC
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
This colorful box was used to hold ushbatis or canopic jars. The jackal on the box is an image of the embalming god, Anubis.
Most often Pharaohs and other important Egyptians were buried with the ushabtis and canopic jars. Ushabtis were small statuettes that were said to be helpers who accompanied the body into the underworld. Canopic jars were vessels designed to hold the internal organs of a corpse while it was being embalmed.
using the information above, reword it and make a summary of the main points maximum 35 words using simple vocabulary words and like a 7th grader write ut
1 answer
This box from Egypt held ushabtis or canopic jars for important people. Ushabtis were small statues to help in the afterlife, while canopic jars stored organs during embalming. The box shows Anubis, the embalming god.