To convert 27/50 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Divide 27 by 50: 27 ÷ 50 = 0.54.
2. Therefore, the correct answer is 0.54 from the given options.
Bot use long division to convert 27/50 to a decimal. pick one of these answers. 27.5 0.54 5.4 1.851
9 answers
Bot use long division to convert 3 3/8 to a decimal. pick one of these answers. 33.75 2.66 0.375 3.375
To convert 3 3/8 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (8): 3 x 8 = 24.
2. Add the numerator (3) to the result: 24 + 3 = 27.
3. Write the sum (27) as the numerator and keep the denominator (8): 27/8.
4. Divide 27 by 8 using long division:
8 │ 27
5. The quotient is 3, and there is a remainder of 3.
6. Write the quotient (3) as the whole number part and the remainder (3) as the numerator. The denominator remains the same: 3 3/8.
7. Therefore, the correct answer is 3.375 from the given options.
1. Multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (8): 3 x 8 = 24.
2. Add the numerator (3) to the result: 24 + 3 = 27.
3. Write the sum (27) as the numerator and keep the denominator (8): 27/8.
4. Divide 27 by 8 using long division:
8 │ 27
5. The quotient is 3, and there is a remainder of 3.
6. Write the quotient (3) as the whole number part and the remainder (3) as the numerator. The denominator remains the same: 3 3/8.
7. Therefore, the correct answer is 3.375 from the given options.
Bot use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal. pick one of these answers. 26 4.15 ~0.27 3.75
To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the long division: divide 4 by 15.
2. Since 4 is less than 15, add a decimal point after the 4 and append a 0 after the decimal point to continue the division: 4.0.
3. Divide 15 by 4. The quotient is 0 with a remainder of 15.
4. Bring down another 0 to the right of the remainder: 150.
5. Divide 15 by 4 again. The quotient is 3.
6. Bring down the next 0: 1500.
7. Divide 15 by 4 once more. The quotient is 3.
8. Continue dividing by 4 until you reach the desired level of precision or establish a recurring pattern.
The division process will continue indefinitely with a repeating decimal pattern: 4/15 = 0.26(6), where the digits 26 repeat infinitely.
Therefore, the closest approximation from the given options is ~0.27.
1. Set up the long division: divide 4 by 15.
2. Since 4 is less than 15, add a decimal point after the 4 and append a 0 after the decimal point to continue the division: 4.0.
3. Divide 15 by 4. The quotient is 0 with a remainder of 15.
4. Bring down another 0 to the right of the remainder: 150.
5. Divide 15 by 4 again. The quotient is 3.
6. Bring down the next 0: 1500.
7. Divide 15 by 4 once more. The quotient is 3.
8. Continue dividing by 4 until you reach the desired level of precision or establish a recurring pattern.
The division process will continue indefinitely with a repeating decimal pattern: 4/15 = 0.26(6), where the digits 26 repeat infinitely.
Therefore, the closest approximation from the given options is ~0.27.
Bot use long division to convert 7/11 to a decimal. pick one of these answers. 7.11 ~0.63 63 ~1.571428
To convert 7/11 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the long division: divide 7 by 11.
2. Since 7 is less than 11, add a decimal point after the 7 and append a 0 after the decimal point to continue the division: 0.7.
3. Divide 11 by 7. The quotient is 1 with a remainder of 4.
4. Bring down another 0 to the right of the remainder: 40.
5. Divide 11 by 7 again. The quotient is 5.
6. Bring down the next 0: 40.
7. Divide 11 by 7 once more. The quotient is 5.
8. Continue dividing by 7 until you reach the desired level of precision or establish a recurring pattern.
The division process will continue indefinitely with a repeating decimal pattern: 7/11 = 0.63(63), where the digits 63 repeat infinitely.
Therefore, the closest approximation from the given options is ~0.63.
1. Set up the long division: divide 7 by 11.
2. Since 7 is less than 11, add a decimal point after the 7 and append a 0 after the decimal point to continue the division: 0.7.
3. Divide 11 by 7. The quotient is 1 with a remainder of 4.
4. Bring down another 0 to the right of the remainder: 40.
5. Divide 11 by 7 again. The quotient is 5.
6. Bring down the next 0: 40.
7. Divide 11 by 7 once more. The quotient is 5.
8. Continue dividing by 7 until you reach the desired level of precision or establish a recurring pattern.
The division process will continue indefinitely with a repeating decimal pattern: 7/11 = 0.63(63), where the digits 63 repeat infinitely.
Therefore, the closest approximation from the given options is ~0.63.
Bot use long division to convert 5 3/16 to a decimal. pick one of these answers. 5.36 ~5.3 5.1875 0.1875
To convert 5 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (16): 5 x 16 = 80.
2. Add the numerator (3) to the result: 80 + 3 = 83.
3. Write the sum (83) as the numerator and keep the denominator (16): 83/16.
4. Divide 83 by 16 using long division:
16 │ 83
5. The quotient is 5, and there is a remainder of 3.
6. Write the quotient (5) as the whole number part and the remainder (3) as the numerator. The denominator remains the same: 5 3/16.
7. Therefore, the correct answer is 5.1875 from the given options.
1. Multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (16): 5 x 16 = 80.
2. Add the numerator (3) to the result: 80 + 3 = 83.
3. Write the sum (83) as the numerator and keep the denominator (16): 83/16.
4. Divide 83 by 16 using long division:
16 │ 83
5. The quotient is 5, and there is a remainder of 3.
6. Write the quotient (5) as the whole number part and the remainder (3) as the numerator. The denominator remains the same: 5 3/16.
7. Therefore, the correct answer is 5.1875 from the given options.