bot please answer these questions please
At the University of Virginia, there’s a saying that students soon commit to memory: “On my honor as a student, I
have neither given nor received aid on this assignment/exam.”
Students write this on every test in every class during their college career, pledging as their predecessors have
since 1842 never to lie, cheat or steal. It’s a tradition that’s made Thomas Jefferson’s school a richer academic
environment, students say, as well as an easier place to find lost wallets.
But even here, where honor is so well defined and policed by an elite student committee, plagiarism has become a
Since last spring, 157 students have been investigated by their peers in the largest cheating scandal in memory.
Thirty-nine of those accused of violating the school’s honor code have either dropped out or been expelled—the
only penalty available for such a crime.
Some students who had already graduated lost their diplomas.
“It’s not like we’re saying we hate you, it’s just that we have standards here,” said 22-year-old Cara Coolbaugh, one
of the students on U.Va.’s Honor Committee who has spent countless hours this year determining the fate of her
The scandal began in a popular introductory physics class designed for non-majors. The course, which explores
pragmatic topics such as why the sky is blue and how light bulbs work, usually attracts 300 to 500 students per
semester—too many to watch closely. Instructor Lou Bloomfield said he started to worry about plagiarism after a
student confided that some of her friends had copied papers from a file at their sorority. To find out for sure,
Bloomfield spent an afternoon programming a computer to spot repeated phrases.
He fed in computer files of 1,500 term papers from four semesters of classes, and matches started popping up.
“I was disappointed,” Bloomfield said. “But I wasn’t so surprised—I have a large class.”
A few of his students had simply copied from earlier work. Others had lifted at least a third of their papers from
someone else.
The Honor Committee, whose 21 members were elected just before the plagiarism scandal hit, was overwhelmed.
Most professors usually have a few people they’d like to investigate. Bloomfield handed over a list of more
than 100.
Philip Altbach, a higher education scholar at Boston College, said he isn’t surprised. “Plagiarism is more common
now,” he said. “It’s just easier to do.”
The Internet provides an inexhaustible source of information, and it’s tempting to simply insert phrases directly into
reports, Altbach said.
1. When was the information created?
2. How old is too old?
3. Does the currency of the information matter?
1. Is the information related to the prompt?
2. Does the information support your stance?
3. Who is this written for?
1 answer
2. The age limit is not mentioned in the given excerpt.
3. Yes, the currency of the information matters as it pertains to a specific event and its aftermath.
1. The relevance of the information to the prompt is not explicitly mentioned in the given excerpt.
2. The information does not indicate whether it supports or opposes any particular stance.
3. The article seems to be written for a general audience, focusing on the issue of plagiarism at the University of Virginia.