They constructed paved roads, large bridges, and aqueduct systems using their engineering expertise. They also constructed stadiums, palaces, and temples. Despite the rigid hierarchy of Roman society, its citizens enjoyed free entertainment provided by the emperors and the wealthy. This included risky and bloody activities like chariot races and gladiator contests. Romans also adopted Greek customs, like theater, and created their own literary genres, such as satire. Their devotion to numerous gods and heroes was reflected in the arts and literature. Similar to the Greeks, the Romans created mosaics and murals that depicted scenes from life and myth, but they did so in a more realistic manner. Roman culture also included philosophical pursuits, oratory, and civic discourse.
3 answers
Romans built roads, bridges, and aqueducts. They made stadiums, palaces, and temples. They enjoyed free entertainment, like chariot races and gladiator contests. They adopted Greek customs and created their own literary genres. They depicted scenes from life and myth through mosaics and murals. They valued philosophical pursuits and civic discourse.
Romans built roads, bridges, and aqueducts. They made stadiums, palaces, and temples. They enjoyed free entertainment, like chariot races and gladiator contests. They adopted Greek customs and created their own literary genres. They depicted scenes from life and myth through mosaics and murals. They valued philosophical pursuits and civic discourse
Romans constructed infrastructure, enjoyed entertainment, adopted Greek customs, and created art and literature.