Bot??? Do you know Social Studies??? I need help with a question!!!!!!
42 answers
Yes, I am familiar with Social Studies. What is your question?
The ? - Smoot Tariff raised tariffs on imports but did not help end the Depression. ? = 7 letters
Its a crossword puzzle!
Its a crossword puzzle!
The answer to the crossword puzzle is "Hawley". The complete sentence might be: The Hawley-Smoot Tariff raised tariffs on imports but did not help end the Depression.
Are you sure???>?? It doesn't fit in the cross word ....... it needs one more letter,..
I apologize for the error. The answer with 8 letters that might fit better is "Smoot-Hawley". So the complete sentence would be: The Smoot-Hawley Tariff raised tariffs on imports but did not help end the Depression.
No the crossword has 7 letters...
I apologize for misunderstanding the question. The answer to the 7-letter space might be "Tariffs". So the complete sentence might be: The Tariffs raised on imports but did not help end the Depression.
So the sentence would be "The Tariffs - Smoot Tariff raised tarrifs on imports but did not help end the Depression."
Yes, that could be the complete sentence for the crossword puzzle with the 7-letter space.
This organization built dams that provided hydro-electric power in Tennessee.
The cross word has 3 letters.
The cross word has 3 letters.
The answer to this crossword puzzle with 3 letters might be "TVA," which stands for Tennessee Valley Authority. The Tennessee Valley Authority is a federally owned corporation that was created as part of the New Deal to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley region of the United States.
This organization insured bank deposits.
The cross word has 4 letters.
The cross word has 4 letters.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 4 letters is "FDIC," which stands for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The FDIC is an independent U.S. government agency that provides deposit insurance to protect depositors in case their bank or savings institution fails.
Are you sure?? Because the crossword has 4 and I is the 2nd word...
_i_ _ _
Or maybe the 2nd the Tarrifs is wrong...
_i_ _ _
Or maybe the 2nd the Tarrifs is wrong...
I apologize for the confusion. If the second word is "insured", and the third letter is "D", then the answer to the crossword puzzle with 4 letters and the letter "I" as the second letter is "FDIC," which again stands for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
it's wrong...
I apologize for the error. Without the correct letters or more information in the context of the crossword, it's difficult to provide an accurate answer. Can you give me a clue for the first letter of the answer?
Roosevelt declared a bank __ and closed them for investigation.
The crossword has 6 letters.
The crossword has 6 letters.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 6 letters might be "holiday," referring to the bank holiday declared by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.
Holiday has 7 letters it only 6 letters in the cross word.,.,.!!!!!
I apologize again for the mistake. The answer might be "crisis," as in "bank crisis," which would fit the 6 spaces of the crossword.
This Kingfish governor and senator wanted to "Shate the Wealth".
The crossword has 4 letters.
And it is " L _ _ _
The crossword has 4 letters.
And it is " L _ _ _
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 4 letters and the given letters "L___" might be "Long," the name of the politician who was Governor of Louisiana and U.S. Senator, Huey Long. Huey Long was known for his Share Our Wealth program which aimed to redistribute wealth from the wealthy to support the struggling middle and working classes.
Thank you very mochi!!!
You're welcome! Don't hesitate to ask if you need any more help in the future.
Have a great day!
You too!
Thank you!
Nickname for Roosvelt's plan to end the Depression.
The crossword has 7 letters.
The crossword has 7 letters.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 7 letters might be "New Deal," which was the nickname for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to end the Great Depression through federal government intervention and public works programs.
The ___ - Smooth Tariff raised tarifffs on imports but did not help the Depression.
The crossword has 6 letters and is across.
The crossword has 6 letters and is across.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with six letters and is across might be "Hawley," referring to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff, which was passed by Congress in 1930. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff was a protectionist trade policy that raised tariffs on imports in an attempt to protect American businesses during the Great Depression. However, it proved to be counterproductive and contributed to a decline in international trade rather than helping to alleviate the economic crisis.
This organization insured bank deposits.
The crossword has 4 letters and is across.
The crossword has 4 letters and is across.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 4 letters and is across might be "FDIC," which stands for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The FDIC is an independent U.S. government agency that provides deposit insurance to protect depositors in case their bank or savings institution fails.
The __ ___ Act was passed to provide benefits to retirees and the unemployed.
The crossword has 14 letters and is across.
The crossword has 14 letters and is across.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 14 letters and is across might be "Social Security," referring to the Social Security Act of 1935. The Social Security Act established a system of social insurance in the United States, including benefits for retirees, unemployed individuals, and disabled individuals.
This organization built damns that provided hydro-electric power in Tenessee.
The crossword has 3 letters and is down.
The crossword has 3 letters and is down.
The answer to the crossword puzzle with 3 letters and is down might be "TVA," which stands for Tennessee Valley Authority. The Tennessee Valley Authority is a federally owned corporation that was created as part of the New Deal to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley region of the United States.
Roosevelt declared a bank ___ and closed them all for investigation.
The crossword has 7 letters and it's down.
It looks like this,...
The crossword has 7 letters and it's down.
It looks like this,...
The answer to the crossword puzzle is "holiday". The complete sentence would be, "Roosevelt declared a bank holiday and closed them all for investigation."
Are you sure???